Christmas Tree Selection

The cool, crisp air nipped at our noses, but Bear didn’t care.  He was in search for the perfect Christmas tree. For over 20 years, David and I have been cutting our own Christmas tree, usually with a dog enjoying the search with us. This is Bear’s fourth year and his enthusiasm is so entertaining; up and down and in and out of the rows, and round and round the trees. Oh yes, and a stop here and there for, well, you know what.





















Dave finally picks one out and asks for Bear’s approval.
















Looks like a yes to me!
















So sparkly and bright. Now the decorating can begin. Nice Christmas music, a glass of wine, or a cup of hot chocolate. All’s well. And Dad sets up the manger. Yes, this is the manger in the book that has been “passed down from generation to generation.”

Enjoy your holiday decorating and your own traditions!
Lori and Bear

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Bear Helps Me Rake – NOT!

To Rake or Not to Rake? – That is the Question

Well, what else is there to do on a beautiful fall day, besides rake leaves? Here’s Bear’s idea of helping rake:

    • Ma picks up the rake. Rake, rake, rake, rake, scoops leaves into the bag.
    • Ma; rake, rake, rake, rake, scoops leaves into the bag.
    • Ma pushes leaves down into the bag.
    • Ma; rake, rake, rake.
    • Bear runs over to Ma with shark toy.

  • Ma drops rake and throws toy shark for Bear.
  • Bear brings toy shark back to Ma.
  • Ma repeats throwing toy 2-4 times.
  • Whole process starts over. Ma; rake, rake, rake…….



Ma stops to take pictures of how Bear is interrupting her.






Then Bear finds a new toy.

Bear gives Ma a break, but he keeps his eyes on his toys . . . just in case.

When the Job is Done

When “we” were done, Bear sat proudly in front of the bags to show our accomplishment.

So, there’s only two bags of leaves. What do you want from a dog and his helper?!

And then it was nap time. That was hard work for a dog!

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Finally, A Cover!

Well, hello again. Things are finally starting to come together. All of the shaded sketches have been completed and the book layout has been provided to me. I made a few changes. Ha ha. I’ve sent the final copy to my editor and am waiting for her final approval.

In the meantime, and I now have a book cover!

I’m thinking publication is still about 2 weeks away. I’ll keep you posted!









Until next time,


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And The Winner Is . . .

Congratulations to Cindy M. of Michigan. She is the first winner in my Free Book Giveaway! Be sure to enter for the next giveaway which ends on November 11, 2016 at 12:00 AM.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Beautiful in Black and White

So all 32 sketches have been approved and I’ve received the first two shaded illustrations. It may not sound like much to you, but this means the world to me!


From this . . .


To this!


Thank you Richa Kinra and RKS Illustrations!

If you know an organization that might be interested in having Bear and I visit please let me know! I would be happy to provide a manuscript to them for review before the book is published. I can do Virtual Book Tours too! Please contact me here.

Thanks for visiting,




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Sketches Coming Along

Finding an illustrator that can make your words come to life is a challenge all of it’s own. After many months of interviewing and previewing illustrators and their work my publisher finally decided on RKS Illustrations. All of the sketches you are seeing in the video and in the first chapter are the first renditions. It’s very exciting seeing my words come alive!

RKS Illustrations has submitted 32 sketches for my review. I have reviewed them all and have sent my feedback for modifications. I am expecting all final renditions by the end of August. After all modification are made and approved they will start working on details and shading. I can’t wait to see the final outcome!

Once this is done there is still a lot of work to do: front cover, back cover, title page, copyright page, and more. But even with all this to do my publisher and I are planning a late-September release.

Once released, I hope to do book readings at libraries, book stores, churches, and schools. If you know an organization that might be interested in having Bear and I visit please let me know! I would be happy to provide a manuscript to them for review before the book is published. I can do Virtual Book Tours too! Please contact me here.

Thanks for visiting!


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